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Diana Sunkis’s Story: My Style Dots Sales Just Took Off!

Style Dots Brand Partners, Interchangeable Jewelry, Style Dots Work-from-Home Business, Style Dots Work-from-Home Opportunity Leave a Comment

Something Was Missing

In August 2021, I was working full-time, had two children under the age of six, and all the responsibilities that come along with being a wife, mom, social worker, and “manager” of our home. I was also running a small side business with another direct sales company for a few months. However, something was still missing. Then I met a Style Dots Boutique Partner at a local vendor event. I thought it was cool and unique interchangeable jewelry, so I bought a snap jewelry necklace for my mom and a snap jewelry bracelet for my daughter.

I Wanted All The Jewelry
Do you know the book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie?” Well, for me it was “If You Give a Woman a Dot!” Once I had bought jewelry for my mom and my daughter, I wanted some. Then I wanted to join Dot Club. THEN, Style Dots offered their Boutique Partner Birthday Showcase, and I wanted ALL the jewelry! HOWEVER, I had NO intention of doing anything with the business. My life was already TOO busy!

My Sales Took Off
Little did I know that life would have WAY different plans for me! My other direct sales business stalled, and my Style Dots sales took off! With COVID, I did all my selling online. I got better with each Facebook Live, and my VIP Group, named “The Dotaholics”, quickly grew. Now, I have friends all over the country. We talk about our experiences with motherhood, marriage, businesses, and trying to “do it all.” These women, my VIP’s, my friends, mean more to me than I ever could have imagined.

Style Dots is so Fulfilling
I had NEVER wanted to be in sales. I have a Master’s Degree in Social Work, because I wanted to work with people and make a difference. However, Style Dots has allowed me to work with others in a different and fun way, and it is so fulfilling. Gina and Karen, the co-founders, have created a community of supportive and empowering women that are enacting change in so many lives, and now I’m a part of that too.

Income, Friends, Trips and Confidence
In one year, I’ve made extra income for my family, I’ve made amazing friends, I’ve been on two amazing trips (and I’m not a big traveler), and most importantly, I have more confidence in myself. Style Dots has made me a better woman, friend, and mom. This business is work, but it’s FUN work. The best part is that I decide when I want to work! I can work after the kids are in bed and I even make money while I’m not even working!


I am so grateful for meeting my Style Dots mentor back in August 2021. It has been one of the most rewarding and empowering years of my life. I cannot wait to see where this journey continues to take me!