Giving a gift that is personalized for the recipient makes it extra special. So too does choosing a gift related to the birth day of the receiver. Birthstone jewelry is a wonderful choice for a birthday gift and one that offers many options such as rings, bracelets, earrings and necklaces. Birthstones are not just for birthday gifts, however. Think about a Mother’s Day bracelet with birthstone accents that represent the births of each of her children, or a necklace for a wedding or anniversary gift that has the birthstones of the bride and groom or husband and wife. Such a meaningful gift is sure to be cherished for years to come!
Style Dots offers the added factor of versatility! Our Birthstone Dots come in a variety of sizes and fit in an amazing array of foundations to create many different and unique combinations. Even more incredible is the fact that our Dots snap out of our patented, recessed settings which allow other Dots to be snapped in. With dozens and dozens of Dot to choose from, the sky’s the limit for the number of beautiful looks that can be put together. With Style Dots offering new Dot designs each month, this is truly a gift that can keep on giving!
Of course, many people love birthstones not for the month that they represent, but for the vivid hues and tantalizing sparkle and shine of these mesmerizing gems. Indeed, choosing jewelry with Dots in a person’s favorite color shows as much caring and carries as much meaning as a birthstone gift. So, read a little bit about each gorgeous birthstone and then visit our website to see many beautiful looks that have been created using these stones and our fabulous foundations. Oh, and be sure to gift yourself!

Style Dots offers all Birthstone Dots in Original, Dotlet and Accent sizes. The Original Dots are available in a Classic Solitaire and in a luxurious Couture design.
January – Garnet – Garnet jewelry has been a fixture throughout the ages and was favored by nobility.
February – Amethyst – February is usually a cold, dark month and this richly colored purple gemstone is a beautiful contrast to this time of year.
March – Aquamarine invokes the blue-green of the sea, a favorite color for so many.
April – Diamond – Diamonds have always symbolized eternal love, making it perfect for engagement or wedding jewelry or a truly meaningful gift to someone close to you.

The Original and Dotlet Dots can be snapped into their respective foundations while the Accents can be slipped onto any of our Style Dots Hoop Earrings, added to our Interlinks Bracelet or Drop Necklaces. So many options for beautiful looks!
May – Emerald – As a symbol of loyalty, new beginnings and peace, this gem is not only gorgeous, but one that is treasured by the receiver.
June – Pearl – Used as adornment for centuries. Because natural pearls were so rare throughout history, they were usually only seen on the richest nobles.
July – Ruby is the gem to give when showing love and also for 15th and 40th wedding anniversaries.
August – Peridot – Peridot jewelry dates as far back as the second millennium BC. It was known in Egypt as the “gem of the sun.”

Whether you love the birthstone Dots for their meaning or their color, they help you make splendid looks with your Style Dots jewelry collection.
September – Sapphire – The sapphire has been popular since the Middle Ages. The celestial blue color of this gemstone symbolizes Heaven.
October – Rose – The rosy glow of this fine gem made it ever more popular when new sources were discovered.
November – Topaz – This prized gemstone was chiefly mined in Russia in the 19th century. It was call Imperial Topaz to honor the Czar and only Royals could own it.
December – Zircon – A spectacular gemstone, it actually can be found in a variety of colors, however, all three of December’s birthstones are known for their shades of blue.