What to Wear When Working From Home

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Between technical advancements, pandemics and new business platforms, more and more of us are working from home.   If you’re one of those whose only commute is from the kitchen to the couch, you may think that anything goes when it comes to what to wear when working from home.  But before you choose your outfit, read some sage advice from work-from-home gurus.

Choice of Clothes Matters

Clothes make the man – or woman – so the saying goes.  If you’re working from home there is the temptation to bypass the morning ritual of getting ready for work, including getting into the clothes you would normally wear to the office.  Don’t fall prey to the misconception that it doesn’t matter what you wear when working from home. If you even go so far as to think that not changing clothes at all is an option, please take this advice to heart.  Don’t wear pajamas when you’re working from home!  Pajamas signal your brain that it’s bedtime.  Think about the most common times that you would wear your PJ’s past sleep time; when you’re feeling sick, lazy or tired and none of these are conducive to accomplishing anything! Getting dressed in work attire helps you switch gears mentally and get into a mindset that leads to productivity and focus.

So, what to wear?  Of course you want to wear something comfortable, but avoid anything that is too slouchy.  Try for something soft but stylish.   It helps to ask yourself, ‘Would I be embarrassed to answer the door wearing this if someone happened to stop by?  Would I feel business-like and confident if I had to appear on a spur of the moment Zoom call?  Would I want to be seen in the department store wearing what I’m wearing?’  How you answer those questions will help you decide what to wear during business hours at home.

Try some of these suggestions to feel and look your best; solid color yoga pants with a soft pullover tunic or sweater, slacks or khaki pants with a polo, turtleneck or blouse with a collar, a dress in a soft fabric, dressier jeans made with a stretch fabric with button down or pullover shirt and a blazer, cardigan or jacket.

Beyond Clothing – Other Considerations

And clothes aren’t the only consideration.  If you usually wear makeup to work, be sure to apply just the minimum at home to feel confident and beautiful.  Your hair should be at least combed, if not somewhat styled.

Of course you can indulge a bit when working from home; wear your fuzzy slippers (no one will know!) and toss a cozy blanket over your knees to ward off any drafts in the wintertime.  In the summer you can go barefoot or wear cute flip flops even if they wouldn’t pass the dress code for wearing at the office.  Style Dots has some super cushy Flip Flops that would be perfect!  You can even swap out the Dots to match your outfit.


Woman working from home desk with phone, clock and computer and wearing jewelry

Don’t forget to add an accessory or two and maybe a few items of jewelry to achieve a completed, put-together look.  Perhaps you can accessorize with a scarf or necktie for that extra flair that makes you feel ready for the day and for anything that comes your way.  A watch is always appropriate.  Style Dots offers a stylish Watch Face and Apple Watch Bling Connector to use with our Interlinks Bracelet system for a fashionable option.

Use your Style Dots customizable jewelry foundations with interchangeable Dots and you will be able to match your jewelry to any outfit you choose for the day.  With foundations ranging from necklaces to bracelets and earrings to rings, you’ll be sure to look more fashionable and professional, capable and assured.

Taking into consideration these few tips about what to wear when working from home will help you feel prepared and ready to work, engage and accomplish your tasks.  And, believe me, you’ll enjoy a more energized approach than one in which you’re trying to stay awake in your pajamas!