How Does Style Dots Keep Doing This?

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When she was introduced to Style Dots just over five years ago, our Boutique Director, Jane Perry, fell in love with all the pretty products she saw.  Every time we release new products she asks in amazement, “How does Style Dots keep doing this?”  Jane says she falls in love all over again with the new products.  She describes Style Dots products as being, “the most amazing, cutting-edge and innovative products, made from phenomenal materials”.

Equally important to Jane is the fact that our products are not sold in stores so that customers who discover Style Dots will need to contact one of our Boutique Partners to get our exclusive items.  With our patent-pending, recessed settings, the .990 fine silver finish and Dots that snap in securely in and out of the foundations, Jane loves the quality and really is thrilled with the beauty of the crystal-laden Dots in the equally shiny foundations.  Jane showed us her fabulous Couture Dots with hand-set Swarovski Crystals, embellished with dichroic glass, as an example of the beauty of the products that Style Dots offers.

The Couture Line is really the height of fashion! Shown are the Snowflake, Scarlet, Sea, Berry, and Meadow Statement Couture Dots that are completely covered in genuine Swarovski crystals. More designs available!

When talking about our new Dot Club subscription program, Jane said she was SO impressed with the stunning, exclusive Dots she received last month, especially the Couture Dot that was covered in gorgeous Swarovski crystals.  The Dots reminded her of the high class pieces you might find in a very famous and upscale jewelry store!

Jane reminded us that Style Dots is not just about jewelry.  She also loves our accessories such as the trendy Tassel Keychain that holds any Dot you like, the pretty polka-dotted SD Scarf that goes with so much, and the clever Collapsible Glasses Case that folds up to a very compact size for easy storage.

Most important to Jane is our Giving Back program.  Each month we offer for sale an exclusive product, like our Give Back Bracelets or Giving Circle jewelry items, the proceeds of which fund a different project or charity.  Some of our past recipients have been organizations that fund Breast Cancer Research, Human Trafficking awareness, Veteran’s support groups and the Heart Association.

Shown are our exclusive products that generated funds for Autism Awareness and Women’s Heart Health.

We like to say that Style Dots is for any age, any stage.  Jane heartily agrees and says, “Your dreams don’t have an expiration date!”   She casually shares that she’s sixty years old and that she has a vision board of things she wants to accomplish with her Style Dots income.  She boldly asserts, “I’m going to keep going until I accomplish what I need to accomplish!”  Some women her age might not have any retirement money saved and Jane said that on a very practical level, Style Dots income could could be put aside for retirement.  Or, maybe you want to spend you Style Dots money for something fun, like travel.  Jane says, “If you don’t do it now, you may not be able to in the future.”

As for advice for someone considering joining Style Dots, Jane recommends that you ask questions and do research to determine if Style Dots is right for you.   As for herself, Jane says, “I’ll never quit!  I’m still excited about the product even after five years.  My enthusiasm has fueled my business.  Plus, I have things on my vision board that I don’t want to rip off and throw away.  I won’t ever give up!

We love how Jane has channeled her energy and excitement into a very successful Style Dots business and love how she is using the money she is earning to reach her goals and do the things she might not have been able to do if she didn’t have that additional income.  She is so wise when she says to get all the information about what Style Dots can do for you so you can make your decision.  She emphatically adds, “It’s a great decision!”