4 Ways to Wear Silver and Gold Together

Kim Hartman Bracelets & Interchangeable Bracelets, Earrings & Interchangeable Earrings, Fashion/Accessory Tips, Interchangeable Jewelry, Jewelry Trends, Necklaces & Interchangeable Necklaces, Rings & Interchangeable Rings, Silver and Gold Jewelry Leave a Comment

by Kim Hartman You’ve got your favorite silver jewelry pieces and your favorite gold jewelry pieces—and never the twain shall …

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Style Dots Bracelets & Interchangeable Bracelets, Earrings & Interchangeable Earrings, Gemstones, Crystals, and Birthstones, Interchangeable Jewelry, Necklaces & Interchangeable Necklaces, Rings & Interchangeable Rings, Silver and Gold Jewelry Leave a Comment

  by Carol K. McCarthy   Who doesn’t love receiving small packages—especially those including jewelry?  You imagine all the enticing …

Don’t Buy A Thing Without Taking This Color Test First!

Carol McCarthy Fashion/Accessory Tips, Gemstones, Crystals, and Birthstones, Interchangeable Jewelry, Jewelry Education Leave a Comment

The Science of Color Do you choose your wardrobe based on your skin tone?  Or select your eyeshadow color based …