wearing jewelry can boost your confidence

How Wearing Jewelry Can Boost Your Confidence

Kim Hartman Bracelets & Interchangeable Bracelets, Earrings & Interchangeable Earrings, Fashion/Accessory Tips, Interchangeable Jewelry, Jewelry Trends, Necklaces & Interchangeable Necklaces, Rings & Interchangeable Rings Leave a Comment

Have you ever been feeling a little low, and then you put on your favorite necklace, and suddenly you just …

I’m Helping Women Succeed and Live up to Their Potential Now

Style Dots Brand Partners, Interchangeable Jewelry, Style Dots Work-from-Home Business, Style Dots Work-from-Home Opportunity Leave a Comment

I am a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Therapist but when my first child was born I decided to stay …

Three Jewelry Mistakes That Can Be Dangerous

Style Dots Bracelets & Interchangeable Bracelets, Earrings & Interchangeable Earrings, Fashion/Accessory Tips, Interchangeable Jewelry, Jewelry Education, Necklaces & Interchangeable Necklaces, Rings & Interchangeable Rings, Silver and Gold Jewelry Leave a Comment

  Who knew that wearing the wrong kind of jewelry could negatively affect your health?  You could be making three …