Gina Smith, Co-founder of Style Dots

Get to Know Our Co-Founders – Gina’s Story

Style Dots Interchangeable Jewelry, Style Dots Team, Style Dots Work-from-Home Business Leave a Comment

by Carol K. McCarthy –   What was the path you took to get to where you are today? When …

I’m Helping Women Succeed and Live up to Their Potential Now

Style Dots Brand Partners, Interchangeable Jewelry, Style Dots Work-from-Home Business, Style Dots Work-from-Home Opportunity Leave a Comment

I am a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Therapist but when my first child was born I decided to stay …

I Don’t Know What’s Changed, But You’re a Different Person!

Style Dots Brand Partners, Interchangeable Jewelry, Style Dots Work-from-Home Business, Style Dots Work-from-Home Opportunity Leave a Comment

  I had been working at the same company for over thirty years, the last fifteen in management.  I found …

Style Dots Is Better Than Any Medicine I’ve Ever Had!

Style Dots Brand Partners, Interchangeable Jewelry, Style Dots Work-from-Home Business, Style Dots Work-from-Home Opportunity Leave a Comment

I have been medically disabled for ten years. I suffer from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain. I’ve dealt with depression  and …